Thursday 26 January 2012

Whole House Water Filtration Systems: Living Pure, Living Healthy

You can’t deny that pollution in all its forms continues to make its way into our household water systems and the levels of contamination in some cases threaten the everyday health of everyone in our home. Local municipalities do their best to test and protect us from the more harmful bacteria but will never be able to remove all harmful contaminants. It is up to you to take responsibility for your own health and the quality of the water that is used in your home. Chlorinated water continues to be the primary method municipal water supplies are treated. The question is, “Does water chlorination solve the problem entirely?”
To better understand what more can be done, let’s take a look at the types of water filtration that a typical consumer can install into their homes.

Faucet Mounted filters
 are easy to install and address your need for clean drinking and cooking water. Some of the challenges faced with this solution are the reduced water flow at the tap and not all taps can be fitted to accommodate these types of filtration systems.
Carafe Filters are adequate for removing chloroform and lead from your drinking water and are great for smaller families that are attentive to refilling the containers. Some models are prone to clogging and the challenge for heavy water users is that the containers need to be continuously filled and do not address cooking water and other household water uses.

Under Sink Filters
 can address larger amounts of water and are designed to free up counter space. They do require a professional plumber or at least a very knowledgeable handyman to assist with the installation. What about the water for showers, dishwashers and laundry machines?
Whole house water filters address many of the contaminants one might find in their household water supply. They are an inexpensive way to remove rust, sediment and in some cases even the chlorine from municipal treatment. They have a long filter cartridge life and since they address water filtering as it enters the house, they remove contaminants for all areas of the house including showers, washing machines, dishwashers as well as all taps. They are not designed to remove the more fine bacteria, cysts and volatile organic compounds. You may have to install a reverse osmosis system  to thoroughly rid your drinking water of bacteria.
When installing a whole house water filtration system in Langhorne PA   for example, the serviceman must test the water first to better understand the current water issues. This installation does require a qualified plumber. The initial investment may be a deterrent for a cost conscious homeowner but you must weight the benefits of long term filter replacements, maintenance and convenience when selecting the right system for your home.
The type of solution for a King of Prussia home water filtration system  will most likely be different from the solution for the jersey shore. One of the primary goals for homeowners is toremove hardness of water in Montgomery County  home and that means a system that removes lead, copper, iron and other metals often found in home water Your home appliances will benefit from cleaner purer water and this will extend their life cycle. Calculating those costs are more complex and should certainly enter into your decision making process.
Tap water quality is monitored at the Jersey shore by the state’s Department of Environmental protection and in most of these cases; they are looking for bacteria levels. The use of a Water softener in Atlantic County  homes is always recommended due to the hardness of water from increased calcium and magnesium levels along the shore towns. By removing excess calcium from the water, residents will have cleaner showers, clothes from the washer and less wear and tear on the plumbing and appliances.

1 comment:

  1. When building a house, or renovating a pre-built home, you will want to look at hire a master plumber from a licensed plumbing company. One leak in a pipe could completely destroy much of a property with water damage.

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